Panasonic Homes Global > Efforts to achieve the SDGs in Japan and overseas

パナソニック ホームズのSDGs -持続可能な未来へ-

Living in Panasonic Homes Houses
Leads to a Better Future

For our customers’ comfortable living, we have long striven to offer sustainable houses based on Japan-quality homebuilding with meticulous attention to structural strength and indoor air quality.
In recent years, toward creating a sustainable society, we have been constantly working hard to contribute to achieving the SDGs through business activities tailored to individual countries and regions, including Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia and New Zealand, in cooperation with local companies.


In 2015, the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, commonly known as the SDGs.
The SDGs stand for “Sustainable Development Goals.”
These 17 goals, which feature social issues around the world, are intended to be achieved by 2030 by the whole world, including advanced nations.

Basic Philosophies of Panasonic Homes

Konosuke Matsushita

Konosuke Matsushita, the late founder of today’s Panasonic Group, left many insightful words. Although the times have changed, his insights still survive as the basic philosophies of Panasonic Homes. We have learned from his thoughts and carried them out in practice, and we believe that they form the starting point of our efforts toward the SDGs.

“A company as a public entity of society”

Contributing to society through business operations

“The fundamental social responsibility of a company, in any era, should be to contribute to improving people’s lives through its core business. It is extremely important for a company to manage all of its business activities based on this sense of mission.”

From his book My Management Philosophy (original published in June 1978)

“Tap water philosophy”

Producing better goods plentifully

“The manufacturer’s mission is to produce and provide goods as plentifully and inexpensively as tap water. This is how we can banish poverty from the world, bring happiness to people, and make the world a better place. Therein lies the true mission of our company.”

From his speech at the First Foundation Ceremony of then Matsushita Electric Housewares Manufacturing Works held on May 5, 1932 at the Central Electric Club in Dojima, Osaka

“Good home”

Housing as a discipline hall for personality development

“Housing should not simply be where you can stay dry and rest your body and soul. It should be a more meaningful place and also be considered a training hall for self-discipline and personality growth.”

From his comments in Radio TV Nippon (Issue of October 9, 1966)

What We Can Do

We work on a wide variety of activities to contribute to achieving the SDGs.

[Connect]Evolutionary urvandevelopment to connect t the fiture
[Create]Home building that contributes to nature and people's lives
[Protect]Activities toprotect tha global enviroment

Panasonic Homes is a group company of Prime Life Technologies Co., Ltd., which was established by Panasonic Holdings and Toyota Motor Corporation with the aim of creating future-oriented cities.